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Eccentric Tales of Boring, Oregon - Left Overs There are many interesting stories that didn't make the final cut for Eccentric Tales of Boring, Oregon. Stories were cut for various reasons. This story, while I find it interesting didn't make the book because it is a bit too short to be featured as a stand alone story. The Spiritualist of Boring, Oregon     B oring once had a mysterious man who lived in town for only a short time. He moved to the little logging community in the winter of 1912 but was gone before the Spring of 1913. His name was Albert Kercam, nobody knew where he came from before arriving in Boring. People did ask the stranger where he had came from but when he was asked he would not tell.     Albert was working in Boring as a wood chopper but that is not all he was, he considered himself to be a Spiritualist. He told people in town that he was a spiritualist medium and he had told many of the locals that he had messages to give to them from the ...

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Joseph Boring